A child with a purpose knowing what he wants to do next and is able to do it is the happiest. Out of this joy comes self-confidence & willingness to work. If such a child is equipped with the right tools, there is no stopping his way to excellence.
Research proves that Early Education is critical because:
Ø Brain development is most rapid in the early years
Ø 75% of neural connectivity is complete by the age of 7
Ø When the quality of stimulation is deficient, child development is seriously affected.
Early years (2 to 6) is a unique stage of phenomenal brain development and learning in a child. The capacity to absorb concepts and learn is highest during this phase. Hence it is important to expose the child to a structured environment which will provide adequate and appropriate stimulus for learning.
Every child has an inherent nature and intelligence that is peculiar to him. This varies from child to child and is the most important factor to consider when the child comes to school.