Chess Classes

Often known as a game for the intellectually gifted, chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies: the brain. … With more dendrites, neural communication within the brain improves and becomes faster. Join the Chess class at Shri Agashtiyaa to reap all the benefits from learning chess and become a Grand Master.

Through chess, the kids will learn how to analyze a situation by focusing on important factors and by eliminating distractions. We learn to devise creative solutions and put a plan into action. Some of the key benefits of learning chess:

  • Brain Development and Growth – Games like chess that challenge the brain actually stimulate the growth of dendrites, the bodies that send out signals from the brain’s neuron cells. With more dendrites, neural communication within the brain improves th growth, development and becomes faster. Interaction with people in challenging activities also fuels dendrite growth, and chess is a perfect example.
  • Exercises both sides of the Brain – While learning chess the kids are asked to identify the chess positions and geometric shapes for which both sides of the brain, the left and right hemispheres of the brain become highly active, by which response time also increases tremendously.
  • Problem Solving – In its most simplistic form, chess is quite similar to a large puzzle. In order to “solve” a chess game, players must use problem-solving skills to decide which pieces they should move to yield the best results on the board. As players advance and start playing timed games, chess teaches students how to solve problems on-the-fly.
  • Abstract Reasoning – Chess helps students improve their abstract reasoning skills by helping them learn to recognize patterns on the gameboard and develop strategies based on those patterns.Chess invites kids to practice abstract reasoning through “if, then…” scenarios. Abstract reasoning skills go hand-in-hand with problem solving, making these two of the most beneficial skills gained from learning the game of chess as a child.
  • Calmness Under Pressure – When students play games with timed moves, they must repeatedly consider their current position on the board and determine the best possible move before time runs out. Learning to stay calm while thinking through possible moves gives students the ability to make informed and thought out decisions while under pressure in real-life scenarios down the road.
  • Patience – The average game of chess goes on for about 40 moves before one player emerges victorious over the other. Each of these moves must be carefully calculated, planned and executed. The slightest lapse in concentration could lose a pawn, or an overly aggressive move could lead to a checkmate for the opposing player.This careful calculation teaches children the virtue of patience. Not only must they stay focused while waiting for an opponent to take his or her turn, but they must also exercise patience by not rushing the number of moves it takes to complete the game.
  • Sportsmanship – Students learn chess by discovering which moves work and which ones don’t in certain scenarios. In a chess game, there’s almost always a winner and students will quickly find that they’re going to lose matches from time to time.Games and activities where there’s a clear-cut winner encourage students to become more sportsmanlike, when they win and when they lose. When children learn early to be good sports, it’s easier for them to overcome loss or failure later on in life.
  • Creative Thinking – To defeat an opponent, a chess player must become a creative thinker. During each game, they need to imagine what will happen with each possible move on the board and then quickly come up with new strategies on the fly. Learning how to use creative thinking skills in real-world scenarios helps students become better problem solvers in their everyday life.
  • Pattern Recognition – Students learn to recognize and respond to patterns as they gain skill at playing chess. This involves not only knowing the different move patterns each chess piece is capable of, but recognizing the potential consequences of each available move and making the right decision based on how each piece is placed on the chessboard.
  • Strategic Thinking – As students combine all the skills above as they learn to play chess, they develop their strategic thinking skills. They learn to combine problem solving, pattern recognition and creative thinking to make their moves. They discover how to be patient until just the right moment for a big move, and learn that each loss is just an opportunity to perform better the next time. Most importantly, students learn how to develop and execute a strategy.